As a task Brian and Chanelle were told to make a slop advert for the BBTV task. They used the Kitchen as a set. "Right now, I'm advertising this pukka product call Slop," declared Brian into a pink pepper shaker. "Here's one of my tried and tested customers... Victoria Beckham!" It wasn't Victoria Beckham. It was actually Chanelle pretending to be popstress in sunnies. "Hi Mister Sloppy," said Chanelle, "I'm Victoria Beckham and I am the number one fan of Slop. I absolutely love it." The housemates watched avidly in the Living Area, smiling in amazement at the fresh, original and unpredictable direction Chanelle had taken her performance. "It tastes so bland you don't even think that you're eating it," she continued, "I love it!" Good tactic, go for the hard sell.