Liam, Sam and Ziggy were in the bedroom. Liam was fending off the boredom by wrestling a teddy bear, teasing Sam and pretending to be a bank robber.
Putting striped stockings over his head as a disguise, Liam suddenly shouted "Don't f****** move!" before diving onto the bed beside Sam.

Maybe that's where it should have ended. It didn't. "Have you got any more disguises?" asked an excited Ziggy.
"Let's just go in the Living Area and scare the s*** out of them."
"Right," decided Liam, "We're gonna have to go in there and take a hostage."
"Who shall we take?" quizzed Ziggy.
Moments later Jonty had been grabbed in the Living Area and bundled back into the bedroom.

Jonty, by no means ready to surrender, grabbed on to the door frame.
"He's got the door!" shouted Liam. In seconds Jonty was prized loose and put onto a bed.
"Right!" said Ziggy, "Give us your money. Give us your bread." Jonty laughed as the fake kidnap came to an end.
"Who's idea was that?" asked Jonty. "Sam's," said Ziggy, never on to tell a lie.
Afterwards a giggling Liam and Ziggy thought twice of their prank.
"That won't go down well," decided Liam. Liam and Ziggy went into the Living Area.
"Guys, we're sorry for scaring you," Ziggy told the housemates.
Probably not the sort of behaviour they would expect from a Guru, Ziggy...

(information taken from the channel4 bigbrother website)