For tonight's task the Big Brother housemates were all asked to go in the diary room one at a time and try to correctly answer what two noises are been played to them. Once they had their go in the diary room they were told to go to the sofa to listen to the results. Amanda was first up and correctly identified Brian passing wind. Then it was Brian's turn - he worked out his sound was Charley gagging at the taste of Slop. "I'd forgotten all about that," she laughed. Brian also correctly identified Liam passing wind. "Liam, that sounded monstrous!" shouted Chanelle as Liam hanged his head in shame. Unsurprisingly, Carole correctly identified Chanelle crying. "I sound like a three-year-old kid," giggled Chanelle. When it came to Chanelle's turn, she actually heard Ziggy farting, but mistakenly thought it was Charley opening the caravan door in the rain. "Big Brother's picked up on all our farting sounds," howled Charley, wrinkling her nose up, "how embarrassing is that?"