Pauline has now entered the house for fake week and she entered in a true Australian style.

Fake Week hots up as 'Pauline' joins the housemates...
Ladies and gentlemen, all the way from sunny Australia (or is it Swindon?)... it's 'Pauline'! 'Pauline' has entered the House for the first time and she's ready to stir up some trouble. 'Pauline' is not in fact a contestant from the Australian Big Brother House, as the housemates believe. She is an actress called Thaila sent in by Big Brother to mix things up. Thaila was briefed by Big Brother in the Diary Room. From now on she is to play the character 'Pauline' while in the House but may be herself while in the Diary Room.
She must keep up the act until Big Brother instructs her to stop. Unbeknown to the housemates, this week's Task is to expose 'Pauline' as a fake and a phoney. If the housemates succeed they will win a luxury shopping budget. If they fail to rumble her ruse they will only get a basic budget.

'Pauline' will have her own Living Area to hang out in and will be given various Tasks and guidance by Big Brother. To make the plot even thicker, the housemates are also being led to believe that the public didn't vote to evict Laura but to send her to the Big Brother House in Australia instead. Cheeky, eh? Let the games begin...

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